Page 247 - Neglected Arabia (1911-1915) Vol II
P. 247

                 eternal purpose that this land shall also be a part of the Kingdom
                 of Christ. Our marching orders include Arabia. God's providence
                 is opening up Arabia, and finally we have the promise for this land
                 in His own Holy Words.

                     Christ has done much already. Twenty-five years ago Arabia
                 was closed almost as rigidly as Afghanistan. Now:
                                      “Uplifted are the gates of brass,
                                        The Bars of iron yield
                                       To let the King of Glory pass,
                                          The Cross is in the field."
                     Jericho has been surrounded from Baghdad all the way around
                 the Peninsula. You may now go by steamer and stop at Mission
                 Stations. What has been done on the East coast is now being planned
                  for the West coast as well. Our Danish Sister-Mission has effectually

                  occupied Hodejda. The total number of out-patients in the seven
                  missionary hospitals of Arabia annually almost outnumbers the total
                  pilgrimage to Mecca. The Bible has become the best selling book
                  in the Cradle of Islam, and where the name of Christian once was
                  a reproach and a hissing, it now is at least regarded with respect
                  and by many with love.
                      But we must remember that whatever Christ will do for Arabia,                        i
                  He must do through His Church. He is no longer in the world.
                  We are His representatives until He comes. By the power of His
                  spirit in the hearts of those whom He will choose as His mission­
                  aries (and this includes Christian Government officials and Christian
                  merchants), He will work a fivefold work to manifest His power and                       !
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