Page 363 - Neglected Arabia (1911-1915) Vol II
P. 363



                     sionaries, the Word is regularly preached, the
                                                                         sacraments ad-
                     ministered and discipline enforced,
                                                              An average of 125 attend
                     these services and of these an
                             . .                     . averaSe of 20 are .Moslems. A
                     rew ot the stations report inquirers under instruction but are
                     not able to give an estimate.

                                      For the \ ear Exdixg October 31, 1914.
                          Presented in the form suggested by the Continuation Committee.

                           A. FOREIGN FORCE.             D. EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS

                       1.  Ordained men.....................  3   1.  Teachers, men, foreign.......... 2
                      2.  Unordained men ................  4   2.  Teachers, women, foreign... 2
                      3.  Men. Total..........................  jo   3.  Teachers, men, native
                      4.  Single women.....................  ^   4.  Teachers, women, nadve___ 3
                                                      n 3. Elementary schools__
                      5.  Married women .................                             4
                      6.  Women. Total...................  9. Pupils .........................  72
                      7.  Total foreign force............  o- 10. Middle schools............  94 3
                                                          11.  Pupils, male ...............
                      3. Special workers..................  1  12.  Pupils, female.............  27
                      9. Mission stations ...............  0  13. Pupils, total ...............  193
                     10. Out-stations ..........................  6  24. Boarders in foregoing.-  12
                                                         35.  Under Christian instruction. 193
                            B. NATIVE FORCE.             36.  Native contributions for edu­
                                                              cational work........ Rs., 2,649
                      2. Other Christian workers.... 33
                    • 3. Other Christian workers,             E. MEDICAL WORK
                          women....................  11   1.  Physicians, men. foreign....  4
     I                                               44   2.  Physicians, women, foreign..  4
                      4. Total native workers
     i                                                    Z. Nurses, foreign ................... 2
                                                          5.  Native medical assistants—  li
     ;                 C. THE NATIVE CHURCH.
     !                                                    6.  Native nurses in service.......
                                                      6   7. Hospitals
                      7. Sunday Schools .....................                       90
     !                3. Number enrolled..............  98  3. Number of beds...  1059
     i                                                    9.’ In-patients for year  527
                      9. Other religious organiza­    1  10. Major operations
                           tions ........................
                     10. Native contributions.  • ■ ■Rs’ 630   fndfviduals treated  23.709
    i                                         literature                            93
    !                                                      ......................................"............  142
    I               Bibles distributed.................. .............. ............................ *’............. 3.733
    i               Testaments distributed.......................  .......................... ’ *...............0.023
    i               Scripture portions.................................. ........... • * • ‘; ‘Turkish. Arm*013/1,
    !               Total Scriptures..................persian.       prench, Portuguese.
                    Languages and Dialects.—\farachi.
    i                     Syriac, Urdu, Pashtu. Hindi, .ua

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