Page 437 - Neglected Arabia (1911-1915) Vol II
P. 437

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                                  The Opinion of an                   Expert

                                             New York City, Aug. 11, 1915.

                          Rev. E. E. Calverley
                                             New York City.

                          Dear Mr. Calverley:
                                I  am glad to have your letter of August
                          1 Oth and remember our conversation in regard
                          to Arabia. opiriior^, \Arabia is the most
                          difficult of the mission fields in which Protestant

          I               missionaries are now working. The heat of the
         i                climate, the primitive mode of living, the diffi­
                          culties of travel, tf^ distance from the base of
         !               supplies^ the fanaticism and ignorance .of the
         :                people, and the fact that the country is almost

                         wholly under the control of native chiefs, not
                         under civilized governments, are all hindrances
                         to freedom in preaching the Gospel of Christ.
                          In view of these and other obstacles, the pro-
                         gress of the Arabian Mission during the past
                         twenty-five years is noteworthy, and the her­
        1                oism of the men and women who have gone

                         out into this field is inspiring to Christians at
                                With best wishes to your wife and your­
                                           Very sincerely yours,

                                                             D. L. PIERSON.*
                                 Editor of the Missionary Review of the World.                      !


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