Page 5 - Neglected Arabia (1911-1915) Vol II
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                                   The Arabian Mission

                       Rev. J. G. Fagg, D.D., Pres.,        Rev. ]. P. Scarle. D.D., Vice-Pres.,
                       Rev. E. B. Coe, D.D.,                Rev. J. H. Whitehead,
                       Rev. Lewis Francis, D.D.,            Mr. John Bingham,
                                                    Mr. E. E. Olcott.
            U:                               HONORARY TRUSTEES

                                      W. A. Buchanan, Esq.. London, England.
                                   Dean V. C. Vaughan, M.D., Ann Arbor, Mich.
           B.          Rev. W. I. Chamberlain, Ph.D., Cor. See.,       25 East 22d Street, N. Y.
                       Mr. W. H. Van Steenbergh, Treasurer,             25 East 22d Street, N. Y.
             !         Rev. J. L. Amerman, D.D., Asst. Treas.,          25 East 22d Street, X. Y.
                       Rev. and Mrs. James Cantine,   Busrah. P. G.   Evangelistic Work.
                       Rev. and Mrs. S. M. Zwemer,   Cairo, Egypt.    Literary Work.
             'i        Dr. and Mrs. H. R. L. Worrall,   Bahrein, P. G.  Medical Work.
                       Rev. and M rs. Fred J. Barny,   Maskat, Arabia.  Evangelistic Work.
                       Rev. Jas. E. Moerdyk,        Bahrein, P. G.    Evangelistic Work.
                       Rev. and Mrs. J. Van Ess,    Busrah. P. G.     Educational Work.
                       Miss J. A. Scardeficld,       Bahrein. P. G.   Women's Evan. Work.
                       Miss Fanny Lutton,           Maskat, Arabia.   Women’s Evan. Work.
             ;.        Dr. and Mrs. A. I\. Bennett,   Busrah. P. G.   Medical Work.
                       Mrs. Martha C. Vogel,        2 > E. 22d St.. N. V. On Furlough.
                       Mr. and Mrs Dirk Dykstra,     1 lolland, Mich.  On Furlough.
                       Dr. and Mrs. C. S. G. Mylrea,   E. 22d St., N. V. On Furlough.
                       Rev. Gerrit J. Pennings,     Busrah, P. G.     Evan. Work. Mesopotamia.
                       Rev. E. E. Calverley,        Kuweit, P. G.     Evangelistic Work.
                       Mrs. E. E. Calverley,        Kuweit. P. G.     Women’s Medical Work.
                       Dr. P. W. Harrison,          Kuweit, P. G.     Men’s Medical Work.
                       Rev. G. D. Van Pcursem,      Bahrein, P. G.    Educational Work.
                       Mrs. G. D. Van Pcursem.      Bahrein, P. G.    Supt. Mason Mem. Hosp-
                       Miss Sarah L. Hosmon, M.D:   Bahrein, P. G.    Language Study.
                       Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Shaw,  Busrah, P. G.     In Business.
                       Dr and Mrs. H. G. Van Vlack,   Busrah, P. G.   Language Study.
                       Mr. Philip C. Haynes,        Busrah, P. G.     In Business.
  v. ■                 Miss Gertrud Schafheitlin,   Bahrein, P. G.    Language Study.
                               Address all letters to Missionaries in the field, Via Bombay.
                       Historical Sketch of Busrah Station         Rev. James Cant ink, D.D.
                       Women’s Work in Busrah .               Mrs. Elizabeth dr P. Cantink
                       Busrah Medical Work .                    . Arthur K. Bennett, M.D.
                       The Minaret and the School-hell .            Mrs. Dorothy F. Van Ess
                       What We Are Here For                                Rev. John Van Ess
                       Michigan Enterprise in Arabia                  Mrs. Mercy Van Vlack
                       From the Moslem Point of View .
             fr        Little Stories of Arabian Life
                          Draw checks and send remittances or requests for information to
                         THE ARABIAN MISSION, 25 East 22d St.. New York City.
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