Page 147 - Dilmun 26
P. 147
The Weapons
in controlling the old world, fire balls and stones which
the Indian Ocean and the Gulf crossed the oceans south and
depended on the following east towards Africa and Asia
weapons : continents; have great benefit
1 – The huge ships crossing the even if it was the greatest in
oceans. maritime empires history which
2 – The fire weapons of controlled the world in the age
gunpowder and the canons’balls. of European Geographical
3 – Gunpowder rifles. Discoveries in the old and new
4 – Swords world. It has the first advantage
5 – Horses on controlling the oceans and
6 – Arrows, spears, daggers, seas against the Portuguese
axes and others rivals in the Indian and Pacific
The Portuguese artillery and Oceans specially. So, in fact,
its kinds through the control the Portuguese Crown spent
on the Indian Ocean and the generously for producing and
Gulf in the 16th and 17th getting the best technology of
centuries: the European Navy weapons
Artillery is the way of armies available at that time.
in killing the largest number of Since the age of the Portuguese
the enemies in one time by one king (Joao II), the innovation
shot. So, it was used to support and military manufacturing
the family of fighting weapons in increased in Portugal in the last
the battlefield. It is well known quarter of the 15th century. In
historically now. spite of the Portuguese poverty
in the material sources for this
That the first documented use industry of iron, copper, woods
for the gunpowder in a battlefield and others. Until the huge
was in Cthhein1a2tthhrcoeungthuryth. eThfiernst, Portuguese ships that crossed
third of the oceans industry emerged by
this discovery (the gunpowder) the age of (caravel) and (carrack)
found its way to the Middle E1a3stht ships that carried the heaviest
and reached Europe in the weapons to the middle of the
century. sea. Besides, the appearance
The Portuguese artillery for the of a trained generation for these
navy fleets with gunpowder, new cannons since 1489 on deck