Page 234 - PERSIAN 8 1931_1940_Neat
P. 234
XI.—Political Agent's Tours.
During Hie year under review the Political Agent has made numerous fours
l>y car m tlio Slate and visited the more important points on the Kuwait-Saudi
the Kuwait-Iraq frontiers and the Kuwait Neutral Zone. 9
The object of these tours has been to maintain touch with the tribes and
desert affairs generally.
XIT.—Agency Charitable Dispensary.
(a) There were a total of 10,115 attendances at the Dispensary during the
year, made up as follows :—
Males 3,245
Females i • •' 2,7G0
Males 2,310
Females 1,789
(b) Prevailing diseases
Eyes 2,623
Ear 2,173
(c) Epidemics.
Nil, though the usual intestinal, eye and lung troubles prevailed.
(d) Personnel.
Assistant Surgeon A. L. Greenway, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Loud.) was in
XIII.—American Mission Hospital.
The following is a summary of work done in the Mission Hospital during
1934. Dr. C. S. G. Mylrca, O.B.E., was the physician in charge :—
Men's Hospital.
Dispensary—New cases 5,836
Total treatments 31,160
I n-pat ients—Medical 60
Surgical 86
Total — 146
Total number of days spent in hospital by the 146
patients 3,424
Surgical operations 351
Visits to patients in their homes 358
Women's Hospital.
Dispensary—New cases f • 5,786
Total treatments 37,467
In-patients 108
Total number of days spent in Hospital by the 108
patients 1,689
Surgical operations 148
Obstetrical cases 20
Visits to patients in their homes i. .i 337
XIV.—Royal Navy.
(a) Features of the year were the visits of
1. II. M. S. Hawkins, East. Indies Squadron, with Ilis Excellency the
Commander-in-Chicf, East Indies Squadron, accompanied by tne
Senior Naval Officer, Persian Gulf Division.
S. Enterprise, East Indies Squadron : Captain Dark, D.S.Oy R.N-,
2. IT. M
accompanied by the Senior Naval Officer and 2 sloops of the I cisian
Gulf Division on 10th April 1933.