Page 314 - PERSIAN 8 1931_1940_Neat
P. 314
Visits of Govkrmknt Officials.
20th—28th January .. .. Mr. J. B. Baillio, CommorcinI Advisor to thu llou'blc tho
Political Resident in tho Persian Gulf.
Olh- 10th January .. Air Vicc-MarahnII, C. S. Burnott, C. B., C.B.K., P.8.O.,
Air Oflicor Commanding, Royal Air Forco, ’Iraq.
2nd March .. .. Mr. V. A. L. Mallet, C.M.G., Counsellor of tho Legation
at Tehran.
10th—12th March .. Group Captain R. E. Saul, D.F.C., Commanding 203
(F. B.) Squadron, Basrah.
10th and 22nd March .. .. Tho Ilon'blo Lt.-Colonol T. C. Fowlo, C.B.E., Political
Resident in tho Porsian Gulf, Bushiro, accompanied
by Mrs. Foxvlo passed through Gwadur on his way to
Delhi and return to Bushirc on tho dato indicated.
lGth-21 ut May .. Tho Hon’blo Lt.-Colonol T. C. Fowlo, C.B.E., Political
Resident in tho Persian Gulf, Bushirc, visited Muscat
accompanied by his Under Secretary‘and Confidential
Assistant Captain A. C. Galloway and Mr. J. Craning,
M.B.E., respectively.
16th May and 16th August .. llis Excclloncy tho Viceroy aocorapaniod by Lady
Willingdon and two A.-D.C.s’ Captains Bcattio and
Freoman-Thomos passed through Gwadur on their
way to United Kingdom and return to India on tho
dates indicated.
.. Captain R. Wilson, R.E., Personal Assistant to tho Chicf»
llth-10th Juno
Engineer, Works and Buildings, Air Headquarters,
14th August .. Major J. J. Rooney, I.M.S., Residency Surgeon, Bushirc,
accompanied by Mrs. Rooney.
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