Page 325 - PERSIAN 8 1931_1940_Neat
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            sitting back and “taking his ease for his riches'--. His absence at Dhofar,
            where steamers do not call nor even dhows in the monsoon, where there is
            no wireless and where except for occasional (lights by Royal Air Force
            planes, he is completely out of touch both with his capital and with the
            Resident, is a serious inconvenience. The Resident has pointed out this
            out to him but so far without appreciable result.
                In October Muscat was connected by cable direct with Karachi instead
            of via Jask as hitherto.
                In April the Sultan accorded permission for the use of the small Island
            of Jazirat-al-Ghanum (lvhor Quwai) as a subsidiary base for the use of
            the Sloops of the Persian Gulf Division, for which .he received the thanks
            of His Majesty’s Government and the Government of India.

                                    PERSIAN SIDE.
               By the end of the year the Iranian authorities had succeeded in further
            disarming the tribes and establishing order in the districts of Tangistan,
            Dashti, Daliki and the hinterland between Bushire and Lingah.   Some
            hundred outlaws were induced to return to their homes on being given safe-
            conduct; those who had openly resisted the authorities were executed.
            Security in the Jask and Charbar districts improved during the year.
               Persian Navy.—The Persian Navy occupied itself with its chief dijty
            of preventing smuggling by sea and made a number of captures of sailing
            craft alleged to be engaged in that occupation. No incidents occurred
            during the year in regard to interference with dhows of the Arab Shaikh-
               Relations with local Persian Officials.—Relations with the Governor of
            the Southern Ports continued to be most cordial,               ;
               Cable Re-organization.—Cable and Wireless Limited effected some
            changes in their cable routes in the Persian Gulf. Briefly, the cable sta­
            tion at Charber has been closed and that at Jask will follow shortly in the
            course of a year or so, while Bushire has been linked to Bahrain by direct
            cable. Following on the naval evacuation of Henjam referred to above
            both the cable and wireless stations at Henjam were closed.
                                              T. C. FOWLE,—Lient-Colonel,

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