Page 397 - PERSIAN 8 1931_1940_Neat
P. 397


                                     APPENDIX A.


                The following ships of the Royal Navy visited Muscat during the
            II. M. S. " Hawkins ”      . Flying the flag of Ilia Excolloncy the Commandor-
                                            in-Chief, tho East Indies Squadron, Vico*Ad-
                                            miral F. F. Roso, C.B., D.S.O., arrived at Muscat
                                            on 25th January 1935. Owing to tho serious
                                            illness of an Officer on board H. M. S.
                                            “ Hawkins " loft for Bombay tho same day
                                            and no calls wero oxchanged or salutes fired.
            H. M. S. " Shorcham ”     . 6th and 20th February, 18th and 26th March, 18th
                                            and 27th September.
            H. M. S. “ Fowoy ” .       . 1st February and 31st July.
            H. M. S. " Lupin ” .      . 13th March, 29th Juno and 13th November.
            H. M. S. “ Bideford ”     . 21st Juno.
            H. M. S. " Deptford ”     . 14th November, 12th and 17th December.
                The following Royal Air Force craft visited Muscat and other places
            in the State:—
            Ono “ Rangoon ”           . 17th-19th January.
            Ono " Rangoon ”           . 21st-23rd January.
            Ono " Rangoon ”           •  13th-14th January.
            Ono " Rangoon ”            . 18th-20th February.
            Ono "Rangoon”              . 7th March.
            Ono " Rangoon ”            . 12th March.
            One " Victoria ”           . 23rd-27th March.
            Four " Wapitis "           . 27 th-29 th March.
            Two "Rangoon”              . 25th-27th AprU.
            Ono " Victoria ”           . 13th-16th April.
            Four " Wapitis ”           .  17th-19th April.
            One "Victoria”             . 12th-14th May.
            Two " Rangoons "           . 5th-Gth Juno.
            Ono " Victoria ”           . 29th Juno-1st July.
            One "Rangoon”              . 2th-l 1th July.
            Threo " Vincents ”         . 7th-llth July.
            Ono "Victoria”             . 20th-22nd July.
            Ono "Victoria”             . 16th- 19th August
            Two " Wapitis ”            . 25th-27th September.
            Three " Vincents ”         . 26th Septomber-4th October.
            Four " Vincents ”          . 30th Soptember-4th October.
            Ono " Valencia "           .  19th-22nd October.
            Four " Vincents ”          . 29th October-3rd November.
            Two "Vincents”             . 6th-11th November.
            Three " Vincents ”         . 15th-lGth Novombor.
            One "Victoria”             . 3rd-6th Decomber.
            Three " Vincents”          . 3rd-4th December.
            Four " Vincents "          . 6th-9th December.
            Ono "Victoria”             .  17th-22nd December.
            Throe V Vincents "         . 28th Dccomber-2nd January 193&
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