Page 119 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 119

POR THE YEAR Ml*                      109

                       rain. The heaviest rainfall was on December 17th with 1*12
                       inches, this being vorv nearly equalled on 18th April when 105
                       inches fcU. The next three heavy falls were on 16th December
                       with *64 inches, 19th January with 62 inches and 11th Feb­
                       ruary with '29 inches. All other showers were less than *25
                       inches. To sum up 3*62 inches fell in 6 days the remainder '99
                       inches was distributed in small showers over 16 days. The fol­
                       lowing are the highest and lowest temperatures by months

                    Uijtart.              Month*.               Lowest.

                    7S*6°            January                510°.
                    774°             February               61-6°.
                    so-o°            March.                 65-8°.
                   1010°             April .                64G°.
                                     May .                  71-0°.
                   10 ilc            June .                 79-6°.

                   K’2'65            July .                 81-8°.
                   103'23            August                  81-8°.
                    9> 0°            September               78’8°.
                                     October                 63*2°.
                    90'6°            November                630°.
                    T^'O3            December                49*2°.

                   We see from the foregoing that the highest temperature was 103'2°.
                        It was twice this degree of heat. The lowest was 49 2° on 26th
                        December Jt seems as if the summer was a warmer oue on an
                        average than previous years The temperature did not go below
                        81 8° during July and August. There were, however, 60 days
                        when the temperature was bclowr 60°. The last day the ther­
                        mometer registered over 90 0° was on November 2nd when it
                        was »0.6°.
                   The wind storms were rather frequent this year. A very severe one
                        occurred during the pearling season when a great number of
                        boats were wrecked and many bodies thrown up on the beaches
                        about Bahrain and other places.”
                 There was no epidemic of plague or cholera during the year. In the
                                           autumn there was as usual a considerable
                                           amount of malaria.
                 Ueutenant-Colonel Sir Percy Cox, K.C.I-E, C.S.I., Political Resident in
                                           the Persian Gulf, arrived on 13th June
                        Vinton.            on board the R I. 31. S. Investigator.”
              b* usual complimentary visits were exchanged with Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al
                     the Ruler, and were followed by several business interviews at which
              ^alkh’s sons also attended. The Resident left for Lingah on R.I.M.S.
               ^u rence»» on 2ist June.
              , The Resident accompanied by Mr. Ollivant and Major Hewlett, Central
              V-v ?0rse» arrived at Bahrain in R. I. M. S. “ Lawrence ” on the evening of
               Jia November and left for Bushire on the afternoon of 11th November,
              y. ^ Barclay Raunkiaer, Danish Explorer, arrived in Bahrain from
                  ln April route for Europe, after having veiled Zilfi, Buraida^
               lla<Ui and Hofuf. He entered Nejd via Kuwait in February and he travelled
              ^Ucr the safe conducts of Shaikh Mubarak and Bin Saud. He travelled on
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