Page 190 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 190


                                             CHAPTER IV.

                                         FOR THE YEAR 1013.

                      His Britannic Majesty’s Honorary Vice-Consul, Mirza Nasrullah Khn
                                                held local charge of the Consulate ^
                            British Con aula t®.   to January 10th, when ho was relieve-5
                                                Captain D. It. R. Lorimer, LA.     *
                      The medical charge of tho Consulate remained in the hands of Assistaflt
                  Surgeon F. G. Steinhoff, Medical Officer to the Indo-European Telegraph De-
                  partment, Kerman.
                      His Majesty’s Consulate has been handicapped in recent years by the in-
                  adequacy and partial inefficiency of its staff, and it has been impossible for it
                 while giving due attention to the constantly increasing demands of local politi­
                 cal ana commercial work, to maintain any effective touch with the affairs and
                 personages of the districts. Attempts were made to stimulate the Consulate
                  Munshi at Bam to greater mental activity, of which the chief result was to
                 make him ask for more pay; and to find suitable newswTiters in Rafsinjaii,
                 Sirjan and other quarters, which likewise proved unsuccessful. With a vievy
                 to remedying this state of affairs proposals have now been submitted to the
                 Government of India for the appointment to Kerman of a junior Political
                 Officer with the style of Vice-Consul who should act as assistant to His ilajes-
                 ty’s Consul and enable him to acquire, by means of touring, a proper knowledge
                 of the affairs and people of the districts.
                     The work of the Consulate has been referred to as constantly increasing-
                 Correspondence is, of course, no exact indication of the amount of necessary
                 and useful work done, but it may be admitted that no one is likely to ho so
                 lost to all sense of propriety as to make an idle hobby of official correspondcnee.
                 Viewed in this light, the statistics of the amount of correspondence, etc.,
                 passing through this office, furnished in Appendix I, may be of some interest
                     The character of the work which fell to be carried out during the year
                 was not in all cases entirely pleasant. Circumstances required the Consulate,
                 in several instances, to adopt an aggressive or pursuant policy. Hostile pro­
                 ceedings, which have resulted either in the expulsion or the discrediting of
                 those concerned, were instituted against the Consulate English Clerk, whom
                 it is hoped it may be possible shortly to dismiss; the debtor, Ali Asghar Khoi,
                 Pandelis Josephides, certain British Baluchi Arms Traders, the Mirza of the
                 Imperial Bank and Mr. Bruggmann not to mention, of course, the Amir Mufa-
                 khftmt Governor-General.

                     The following is a list of persons who held offices of major importance
                         P.n'uuiOfEL-uit.      during the year:—
                 Amir-i-Mufalcbam    •                •   . 1st January to 22nd October.
                 Sirdar-i-Mubtasbam (nominally)       •   • 22nd October to end of year.
                 Sirdar-i-Nuarat (acting)                                  $•
                                             Deputy Governor.
                 Muwaffaq-ud-Dowleb                   •   . 1st January to 2Mli June.
                Amir-i-Hiahmat <         • • « • .        • 1st September to 22nd October.
                                           Vacant to end of year.
                 Mina Habibullab Kban (acting)        •   , 1st January to 31it December.
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