Page 298 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
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                                               CHAPTER II.
                                          FOR TEE YEAR 1914.

                         Charge of the Vice-Consulate was held by Mr. G. A. G. MunGavin of
                               vico-ConioUte.       tho ^European '^Jcgraph Depart.
                                                    mcnt up to tho 11th July, when he re­
                     turned to his own Department. Ee was relieved by Mr. W. R. Howson of
                     the Indian Telegraph Department, who remained in charge till the close of the
                         Agha Midhat-us-Sultanoh held the Office of Deputy Governor till 2Clh
                                                    September, when he was relieved by
                               Local Offiairtb.
                                                    Mirza Abul Kasim Khan and proceeded
                    to take up bis seat in tho “Majlis** as Member for Bandar Abbas. Mirza-
                    Abul Kasim Khan held charge till tho end of the year. He was up to quite
                    recently but a clerk in the personal service of Eis Excellency the Muwaqqar-
                    ed-Dowleh. He is decidedly lacking in experience and tact. He at first did
                    not display much anxiety to cultivate friendly relations with the Vice-Consulate;
                    but a marked change was noticeable after he received a warning from his Chief
                    at Bushire to work in agreement with tho Vice-Consulate.
                        The Deputy Governor performed the duties of Karguzar during the year.
                        Salim Khaja represented the Turkish Government up to the 13th May,
                                                    when he proceeded to Constantinople after
                             Foroign Representatives.
                                                    nominating his uncle Muhammad Khaja
                    as his successor. Tho Deputy Governor recognised neither of them as Turkish
                    Representative. Muhammad Khaja was very active, after "War was declared
                    on Turkey, in spreading false news reports about the progress of the War.
                        Muhammad Tahnun continued to act as Agent for His Highness the Sultan
                    of Maskat during the year.
                        Monsieur Willemsens held charge as Director of Customs during the year.
                                                   During the first half of the year he never
                                                   lost an opportunity of causing the Vice-
                    Consulate trouble. Numerous complaints were preferred against him to the
                    Political Resident at Bushire by the Vice-Consul and he was summoned to
                    Bushire by the Provincial Director of Customs to answer them. After his
                    return from Bushire he displayed a better feeling towards the Vice-Consulate
                    and a desire to work amicably.
                        In retaliation for the confiscation of two boats by the Customs Department
                    the Shaikh of the Island of Qais, no doubt with the knowledge of his Chief,
                    the Shaikh of Charak, ill-treated and imprisoned a Customs Official. The Vice*
                    tne   onaiKn   oi   ima ra K,   m-c rea xea   ana  impr is oned   a   uustoms   uinciai .   me   v
                    Consul, on being appealed to by M. Willemsens, effected the release of the
                    Consul, on being appealed to by M.
                    official No steps nave vet been take:taken to punish the offenders.
                    off icial   No   steps   nave  yet   bee n
                        Smuggling is still rife in the Lingah District and on the Shib Kuh Coast and
                    to minimise it M. Willemsens has recommended the introduction of a uniform
                    tariff of 5 per cent, on all goods.
                                                     The Revenue of the Lingah Town and
                                B avenue.
                                                   District was collected by the Customs
                   Administration without any diffioolty.
                       A scheme for the re-assessment of the Revenue has been prepared and
                   submitted by Monsieur Willemsens to Tehran for sanction by the •• Majlis
                          Condition of iho country.   The country has been on the whole very
                                                   peaceful.                        ,h0
                       The > province of Lar was quiet during the greater part of the year after
                   Kawom-ul-Mulk succeeded in breaking the power of Saiyid Abdul Huaaia an
                   punishing the Baharlu tribe.
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