Page 529 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 529
jfr. W. R. Howson held charge of the Vice-Consulate throughout the
year. He was given the personal rank of
Consul in March 1917.
Hirza Muhammad Ali Khan, Sadid-es-Sultaneh, continued as Russian
Consular Agent during the whole of the
Foreign HeprcocnUt *!▼««.
Sartip Mirza Ali Karam Khan, Shuja-i-Nizara, held the post of Deputy
Governor throughout the year. He worked
Local Oar or ament.
loyally and indefatigably in British in
terests. Not only has he co-operated with the Political Authorities to the best
of bis ability; but the South Persia Rides and Military Authorities owe him
a deep debt of gratitude for all the assistance he has rendered them, particularly
in the matter of arranging transport for conveying troops, equipment and
foodstuffs from the Base to the Interior. If it had not been for his.great efforts
to collect transport there is no doubt the work of tho South Persia Rifles in
the interior would have been greatly hampered.
Agha Nad Ali Khan held the post of Deputy Governor, Minab, up to the
ISth Juno when he was relieved by Mirza Kobandil Khan. The latter, on
appointment to the Deputy Governorship of Linguh, was relieved by Yawar
3aji Khan, ilashshaq, on the 13th September.
The Shuja-i-Nizam performed the duties of Kargnzar at Bandar Abbas
faring the year.
Monsieur Guillaume held the post of Director of Customs throughout the
year. On the whole relations between him
and the Consulate were good particularly
towards the latter part of the year when they could not have been better.
11. Guillaume made strenuous efforts to obtain the reinstatement of his protege,
Abdul Khaliq, as Hammal Eashi (an Agent employed by.the merchants to
handle their cargo in the Customs House). His Majesty's Consul, who had
die previous year objected to Abdul Khaliq, withdrew his objection and
co-operated with M. Guillaume for liis reinstatement; but the merchants, both
Persian and Indian, united to oppose the measure and M. Guillaume abandoned
bis intention and himself proposed to retain the services of the present incum
bent. Since then everything has gone smoothly and, at the end. of the year,
relations between the merchants and Customs were excellent.
8everal raids were perpetrated by Arabs of the Fare District during the
„ year under report, the three most darine
Condition of country. ! . ,, * ... i • . °
being those committed in December.
On the 5th December a party of ten horsemen and 30 footmen raided to
|phin 13 miles of Bandar Abbas and carried off several hundred camels and
donkeys which had been collected by . the Deputy Governor, forr the South
Eenri* Rifles.. Some ten.camels belonging to the ,10th. Camel’. Corps, which
grazing in the vicinity were also, taken An unsuccessful: attempt* to
the raider* was made by the South Peijsia Rifles * and the Deputy
^About the 20th December a party of Engineer Officers, insufficiently
rode right into a large number of Arab raiders at Ab Mhr 73 miles
Bandar Abbas near the Tang-i-Zagh. Major. Lowis had his horse shot
him but the party made good its escape without any further casualty.
** same night the raiders followed the Engineer Party up and attacked their
but were driven off. The raiders were said to have had three of their
B**ber killed or severely wounded.
^The third raid occurred on the. 28th.December when a large band of
618 attacked a large South Persia Rifles caravan at 8arseh (39 miles