Page 83 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
P. 83

Anglo-Turkish rivalry, 1880                409

                                       No. 7.

                      BAHRAIN, DATED 22nd DECEMBER 1880.
              I, Isa bin Ali A1 Khalifah, Chief of Bahrain, hereby bind myself and
          successors in llio Government of Bahrain to the British Government to abstain
          from entering into negotiations or making treaties of any sort with any Slate
          or Government olhor than tho British -without the consent of tho said British
          Government, and to refuse permission to any other Government than the
          British to establish Diplomatic or Consular Agoncics or coaling dcpOls in our
          torritory, unless with tho consont of tho British Government.
              This engagement docs not apjdy to or affect tho customary friendly
          correspondence with the local authorities of neighbouring Slates on business of
          minor importance.
              Tho abovo agreement is subject to tho approval and acccplauco of His
          Excellency tho Viceroy and Governor Gcnoral of India in Council.
                                         Signature and seal of—
                                                 ISA BIN ALL

                                         Signaturo and seal of—
                                                  AHMAD BIN ALL

          Signed and sealed at Bahrain on tho 22nd day of December one thousand
          eight hundrod and eighty in my prcscnco.
                                           (Sd.) E. 0. ROSS, Lieut.-Col.)
                                             Political JResident, Persian Gulf.
              Tho abovo agreomout was accepted and ratified by Her Britannic Majesty’s
          Government in 1881.
                                           (Sd.) E. C. ROSS, Colonel,
                                             Political Resident, Persian Gulf.

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