Page 201 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (2)
P. 201


                                     Missionary News and Letters
                                          Published Quarterly
                                      THE ARABIAN MISSION

                                     Touring Inland Arabia
                                           Dr. Louis P. Dame
                       Note.—The following account of Dr. Dame’s visit to Riadh and other cities
                     far in the interior is taken from a letter to the Secretary of the Board written at
                    Kiadh. Recent newspaper reports indicate that Ibn Saud is pressing into Mecca.
                    It will be interesting to readers to note the contact of our doctors with this
                    powerful ruler of inland Arabia.—Eu.

                     B   EFORE leaving Riadh and proceeding further into Nejd I want
                          to give you a report of this part of the tour. We leave here
                          tomorrow, accompanied by two of the Sultan’s servants, for
                          Shugra, Aneiza and Boreida. In Shugra we shall probably
                     remain about eight to ten days, Aneiza about fifteen days and Boreida
                 i  about ten days.
                 i    As 1 wrote you from Bahrein we were invited to Nejd by the Sultan
                     particularly to treat the Sultan's aged father. We left Bahrein on
                     November oth with four hospital helpers and thirty-two boxes of
                     medicines and supplies. We left Hassa early Monday morning, Novem­
                     ber 12th, and on the next day in the afternoon were met by two
                     special messengers of the Suitan on fast trotting camels with a letter
                     for me. It requested me to proceed with all possible haste to the
                     Sultan who was seriously ill with some swelling of the face.- Fortunately
                     1 was riding a “dhalool” (trotting camel, or dromedary) and after
                     opening up a few boxes and taking a few needed supplies, one of the
                     riders and one of my assistants with me started out after an early
                     iupj>er. That night we travelled till nearly midnight and were up
                     again before dawn. We stopped for about an hour in the middle
                     of the forenoon for a combined breakfast and lunch. ' We then rode
                     again till about an hour before sunset and rested for an hour for supper.
                     Then we rode again till nearly midnight, etc. Both Wednesday and
                     Thursday we were actually in the saddle over fifteen hours. Friday
                     afternoon at about three p. m. we arrived in Riadh and I was at once
                     ushered before the Sultan. 1 found him to be suffering from a cellu­
                     litis of the face. His face was tremendously swollen, his eye was the
                     lize of a baseball and his lips were so swollen that he could hardly
                     ipeak. 1 barely recognized him he was so different from the usual
                     energetic, enthusiastic Abd el Aziz ibn Saud. It was.really pathetic to
                     ice him and he muttered as best he could, “Oh my friend, I was afraid
                     you wouldn’t come in time. I surrender myself in your hands; what­
                     ever you want to do, do.”
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