Page 241 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (2)
P. 241
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inure pleasant fur us. We remained in Boreida only ten days and in
icveu working days treated 85V clinic patients, performed 7 major and
8 minor operations and gave 13 Neo-salvarsan injections.
On Thursday, February 21st, we started out on pur long return
journey. We were bound lor Hassa, lor the routes to Kuweit and
Jebeel were unsafe because of some Bedouin uprising. We had with
us four soldiers of the Sultan, two of whom had come with us from
Kiadh and two more were given us at Boreida. We passed through
Zullie, then passed over the Tuweik mountain range, passed some
Iklnvan settlements and the town of Mejma. From here we kept in a
I straight southeast direction till we arrived at Hassa on the eighteenth
I Jay after leaving Boreida. The Camel Express is a long weary
gurney, but fortunately there is an end to all things. We did not
in Hassa but at once pushed on for Ojeir and Bahrein. While
g 5ca we lay at anchor two days because of a strong contrary wind but
dually succeeded in making the wrong end of Bahrein Island. We
ulked five hours and arrived at the country castle of Sheikh Hamed
,ho was kind enough to send us home in his Ford.
,\n interesting numerical report of our trip might be mentioned.
Kiadh we are now fairly well known but we were the first doctors
c(r to have come to any of the other places. Yet the total number
g clinic patients treated during the tour was 6,552, total major opera-
128, total minor operations 214, and Neo-salvarsans 81. Forty-one
Ljs of the four months and seven days were spent in travelling, prac-
[j^lly all on the camel.