Page 311 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (2)
P. 311


                                         xiiiiiMai'.n .i/\.i/i/.i

                   walrli the service. Ohed’s mother tells how I cured his eye a in three
               I   days when they had been nearly shut fur two weeks. A visit tu her
                   is a signal tor the sore eves of the neighborhood to gather and it any
                   one is afraid four-year-old Obed lies down on the ground in front of me
                   to have the drops in his eyes first. Almost next door lives ten-year-old
                i  Jcbera, the most faithful of all my pupils. Only once this year has she
                !  missed and that tor fever. A three-year-old sister is nearly always in
                   her arms and she has brought about eight new children. She is an
                   ever ready guide to many homes. But with all her faithfulness she did
                   not seem to learn anything until three weeks ago she started and yester­
                   day she told the whole story of the good shepherd alone. Asila took
                   my hand one day and said, “Won’t you come to my house?” I did and
                    invited her to mine but she was afraid of the guard at the bridge and
                !   followed me to get permission. After hearing him agree to allow all
                    children to pass on Sundays she asked him again herself and the next

                                   MISS JACKSON’S SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS

                     Sunday was waiting for me. A month later when I took her a doll
                     brr mother was not home but she insisted on my waiting. She had
                     ncurr  >aid a word in class but now she told me every story she had
                     uard. She got stuck in the middle of one but went on to another.
                     \itcr l left she ran after me and said, “You did not tell me the rest of
                     ibe story 1 forgot.” She listened, repeated it and ran off. I was
                     unting for Yasin one day and got into the wrong yard but they would
                     au* let me leave. 1 showed them the little doll I was carrying to Yasin
                     ynl ai sight of it a little girl rushed to me and Hung both arms tight
                     iiuuiul my neck. Dolls are used to attract the children and they do not
                     r«luc. as I do, that by the time they have earned the doll they usuallv
                       nut want to stop coming. But sometimes they have to stop. “Hassaii
                     u» gone tu work,” the children said. I was sorry, for he is a favorite
                     ** of the bigger boys with a refined and serious face and one who
                     pined much from the lessons. The family had moved, too, but I found
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