Page 327 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (2)
P. 327


                                                    PERSONALIA                                   ;

                                Rev. and Mrs. James Cantine are spending the summer un the Medi­
                              terranean Coast in Egypt. It is hoped that their sojourn there will prove
                              beneficial to Mrs. Cantine. They may be addressed at I airhaven,
                              Ramleh, Alexandria, Egypt.

                                Rev. and Mrs. John Van Ess arrived in New York in early June.
                              They are planning to spend July and August at Beulah, Michigan.

                                Or. Sarah L. Hosmon, who arrived in this country in May, is planning
                              to take up post-graduate work in New York while on furlough.

                                Rev. and Mrs. G. J. Pennings have returned to Nova Scotia for the
                              summer and will sail for Arabia in the early fall.

                                 Rev. and Mrs. Ralph G. Korteling will sail for Arabia in November
                              of this year. They will spend the Christmas holidays in India with Mr».
                              T. F. Zwemer, who is Mrs. Korteling’s sister, and proceed up dit
                               Persian Gulf in January, 1920.

                                 Miss Scardefield’s health is slowly improving and a recent cable in.
                               forms us that she is sailing for the United States from Bombay, the
                              latter part of June.

                                 Rev. S. M. Zwemer has been on a trip to Africa this summer on hit
                              usual errand of forwarding missionary work among Mohammedans.
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