Page 337 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (2)
P. 337
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six times without stopping, then a few verses from the Koran ami a
prayer. Six times inure did he say this and then she responded, "I
appoint you my agent."
During the ceremony the young sister held a plate over her head,
under which was a lighted candle and over which the cousin was rubbing
two large cones of sugar together to insure Fatima's having a sweet
longue toward her husband. I wonder what was done to insure his
having a sweet tongue toward her! Immediately the men left and re
freshments were passed. How quickly the things disappeared and
within a few minutes the untouched sweets were poured into a basket
to be taken around to friends and the poor. The usual present of a
man's cotton handkerchief wrapped around an envelope of candies was
given to each guest. As the bride rose to leave the room, the groom's
grandmother and close friends lifted the veil to kiss her. One could
ilniost say that they craw'led under the veil as no part of her face was r I
f>er visible.
After four months will be the wedding and then it will truly be a life
tclniid the veil as the family she is entering is very strict, allowing so
little freedom. What more should a woman want than a husband and
i home? Oh, Fatima, how my heart yearns for you in the quiet,
restricted future that is to be yours. What chance have you for the
freedom that you had learned to enjoy? Will the distinction of your
Ug dowry compensate you for the freedom you are losing? Will you
remember your many carefree years at school ami at home and lung
jur them over again? May the time come when the lessons learned at
nhuul mean more and more to you. Perhaps your liberty may give
greater freedom to your daughter and thus the influence of the school
on from generation to generation doing its work of enlightening
tbc women of Arabia until they come into the full light of Christ. • \