Page 361 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (2)
P. 361



                                      Rev. and Mrs. James Catiline, following the urgent advice of physi­
                                    cians, have found it necessary to return to America on account uf the
                                    health of Mrs. Catiline. They arrived in New York on July 3Uth. Mrs.
                                    Cantinc at present is undergoing treatment at the Clifton Springs Sani­
                                    tarium. Their address while in this country will he Stone Ridge, New
                                      Miss Jennie A. Scardelield, accompanied by Mrs. Mylrea. arrived in
                                     New York on July 31st, the former having gained in strength during
                                    the voyage after her recent serious illness. Miss Scardelield is residing
                                    with her family at Mt. Vernon, New York. Mrs. Mylrea expects to
                                    ielmii in Arabia in October.
                                       Rev. and Mrs. (i. J. l'eimiugs, at the conclusion of I heir ftirluugh
                                    spent partly in Iowa and partly in Nova Scotia with I heir familici,
                                    expect to sail from Halifax on September 2o, 1925, on their return to
                                       Ur. S. M. Zwemer, after his very interesting journey in Africa, made
                                     a hasty trip to the United Stales on account of the marriage of his oldest
                                     daughter, Elizabeth, which took place at Mi. Vernon, New York, uu
                                     August 27, 1925. The wedding was an unusually interesting one. Mrfc.
                                     Zwemer’s brother whom she had not seen for forty-four years
                                     present. Another of the guests was William Solomon, one of the sla\c
                                     boys rescued by Rev. Peter Zwemer so many years ago in Maskat. 11c
                                     later served Dr. Zwemer in Arabia when Miss Zwemer was out there a»
                                     a little girl. The passing of the years has seen his development front a
                                     schoolboy in the old slave school at Maskat, as it was called, to janitor
                                     in a New York apartment house.

                                       The hospitality of the Mt. Vernon Church was deeply appreciated by
                                     Dr. and Mrs. Zwemer. So often Missionaries are without any real home
                                     in America and it meant a great deal to have this cordial reception b)
                                     the Church.
                                       Dr. Zwemer joined by Mrs. Zwemer sailed from New York on Sep.
                                     tember 2, 1925. They are to attend the Triennial Missionary Conference
                                     of the Scandinavian Churches, and Dr. Zwemer is to speak also in d*
                                     four Universities of the two Scandinavian countries. On October 2nd
                                     they sail from Trieste for Cairo, where for the coming year they will be
                                     engaged in the missionary activities of that greal Moslem center.
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