Page 377 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (2)
P. 377

NEGLECTED AKA HI A                       11
                      or places that are well watered and have luxuriant vegetation. The
                      seed of the Gospel has been planted in these “Gardens” and who knows
                      what the fruits may be?
                        In writing about the meaning of names in this country, it is impossible
                      to puss over the name of the one who has had a greater inlluence on
                      the Arab than any other man. Mohammed means "The Praised,” and
                      it is almost impossible to tell how much the Moslem reveres this mail.
                      His praise is continually in evidence. His name is not spoken by a
                      pious Moslem without the formula: “On whom be prayers and peace."
                      The Arab has enlarged so much on the original Mohammed, his words,
                      his actions, and his character, that he has practically usurped the place
                      uf Christ even so far that he is the mediator in heaven. He is held up

                                                                                                  . !

                                    KOAL) UETWEKN DATE GARDENS AT UASKAII
                      u the model for all Moslems, for his character is considered above
                      rrproach and he, along with Christ and all the other,.prophets, was
                      unless. Even though he claimed that he could not work miracles, his
                      Mowers claim that all sorts of miracles came from his hand. His name
                      u placed side by side with the name of God in the Moslem creed and
                      lie times a day it is called from the minarets of the mosques of Islam.
                      There is hardly an Arab family that does not have one or more children
                      aimed after the false prophet. Truly all Islam lauds and praises him.
                        There is a great deal of meaning in a name as found in the land of
                      ifcc Arabs and the Arab will go on naming things and people after the
                      meaning that attaches itself to his mind. But some day he will find
                      Uul the greatest name under heaven, with the fullest meaning, is not
                      tic name of his prophet, but the name of the one that he considers
                      4«d)' a prophet and no more, and of whom the Scriptures say, “Thou
                      ifciJt call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins.”
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