Page 49 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (2)
P. 49


                  K                         Nli(siJiCriil) .IK.UiLl

                  tunily is here presented fur a woman doctor to use all her .skill atul
                  knowledge. Cases such as no doctor at home ever sees. Women by
                  the score who need help so badly. The population of Bahrein is
                  estimated at 100,000. At least 60 per cent, are women and children.
                  Du you not agree with me that they ought to have at least one
                  woman doctor?
                     ft is impossible for only two hands to accomplish more than one
                  task at a time. For instance, when the nurse stayed up all uiglu

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                                          MASON MKMOKIAI. UOSflTAI.

                  lung and until noon the following day with a fourteen-ycar-old
                  girl who had a hard time giving birth to twins. In this case every­
                  thing turned out all right and a tired but victorious nurse came home
                  after her long vigil. But what about the clinic patients who canic
                  to the hospital that morning? There was no one to care tor them.
                     The women of Bahrein are more and more learning to turn to the
                   mission hospital for help. We ought to be properly equipped with
                  workers to handle the situation. Last year Nurse Sundri did 8,822
                   treatments in the clinic and went on 706 outcalls. She took care
                   of 75 confinement cases of which only 17 were normal. She did
                  78 atresia operations in the clinic and 66 uf a more serious nature
                   were dune in the operating room, si woman doctor is surely needed.
                   Will someone heed the call and come or must Nurse Sundri               cun-
                   tiuue with “only two hands?”
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