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Optimal Use of Resources with

                                         Premium Therapy Standard

    Optimised Ergonomics                 Efficient and Sustainable

                                         With the 5008 Therapy System, Fresenius Medical Care offers a system to per-
                                         form premium dialysis therapy that at the same time supports the sensible and
                                         sustainable use of the limited resources available.

                                         Optimised Workflows
                                                                                 Hct. = 35%
                                                                                 Rec. = 5%
                                         • AutoFlow – Automatic adjust-
                                          ment and optimal adaptation of
                                          dialysate flow to effective blood  K eff (ml/min)
                                                                     Blood flow
    • Optimised 5008 bibag : rapid and    flow. Allows substantial savings
      hygienic one-hand connection        of water, concentrates and energy         AutoFlow e.g.  Reduction Q D
                                                                                    Q D = 1,2 x Q B
                                          while maintaining a constant dia-
                                                                                        Dialysate (ml/min)
    • Optimised 5008 bloodline system:    lysis quality.
                                                                                   K eff at Q D = 500 ml/min
      easy, machine-assisted set-up &                                              K eff at Q D = 360 ml/min
                                                                                   K eff at Q D = 360 ml/min + HDF (AutoSub)
      dismantling                        • EcoFlow – Automatic adjust-
                                          ment and optimal adaptation of dialysate flow to the effective blood flow. Allows substantial
    • Workflow optimisation by highly     savings of water, concentrate and energy during machine stand-by mode up to the point when
      automated user assistance:          the patient is connected.
      - Multiple automated tests during preparation
      - ONLINE priming, bolus and blood reinfusion  • AutoSub – Automatic patient-individual adjustment of HDF substitution rate to the effective
      - Self-initiating functions (e. g. UF, OCM ,
                                          blood flow rate.
       ONLINE HDF and heparinisation)
      - Numerous auto-regulating mechanisms
                                         • AutoSN – Automatic adjustment of single-needle pump rate to blood-pump rate.
       (e.g. AutoFlow, EcoFlow, AutoSub, AutoSN)
      - Automated disinfection program
                                         ONLINEplus-System –
    Unmatched Service-Friendliness       Ultrapure and Physiologic Rinse-

                                         and Substitution-Solutions
    • Comprehensive service program      • ONLINE HDF, ONLINE Priming, ON-
      and technical error memory (access   LINE Bolus and ONLINE Reinfusion:
      with “ServiceCard”)                  - Complete substitution of all conventional
                                            saline rinse-solutions and substitution-
    • Long-living components with inno-     solutions (bags or bottles) with ONLINE
      vative fixation (“Snap-lock” technology)  prepared solutions.
                                           - Bicarbonate-buffered electrolyte solutions – highly physiological having patient-individual compositions
    • Real-time hydraulic flow charts    • Optimised workflow for all operators and users
      (accessible also during the therapy)
                                         Prepared for Future Therapy-, Monitoring- and Safety-Modules – thanks to
    • Convenient accessibility to all parts  the well-proven modular design, roomy installation space plus free processor-
      and components                     and memory capacities.

                                         5008 – The Sustainable Haemodialysis Therapy System
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