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It’s important to keep to your fluid
and sodium (salt) limits so you don’t
build up too much fluid in your body
between treatments. This buildup
may lead to the need for more fluid
removal (ultrafiltration) during your
dialysis treatment. Ultrafiltration may
cause some discomfort during your
treatment. Excess fluid buildup can
also increase your blood pressure.
To help prevent fluid buildup between
treatments, your daily diet should
not include more than 2,000 mg of
sodium (salt). Your dietitian can give
you suggestions for a low sodium diet.
You may also need to limit the amount
of potassium and phosphorous in your
diet. Talk with your dietitian to review
your monthly labs and discuss your
individual diet needs.
For more information about your
special diet, see the National Kidney
Foundation’s booklet Nutrition and
Hemodialysis and the online A to Z
Guide: Nutrition and Diet section.
Also visit the online Kidney Kitchen
for kidney-friendly recipes for dialysis