Page 6 - MAGNIFIQUE 5.8.23D_Neat
P. 6


             Viora Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a type of laser technology used in the beauty industry for various skin
             treatments. It uses a broad spectrum of light energy to target the pigment in the skin, which can help to
             reduce  the  appearance  of  skin  imperfec ons,  such  as  vrinkles,  age  spots,  sun  damage
             (Hyperpigmenta on), and redness (Rosacea, Eczema),  broken capillaries (Telangiectasia), acne or enlarge
             pores by using mul ple wavelengths of light.

             IPL Photo Rejuvena on improves skin tone and elas city by s mula ng collagen forma on. It is typically
             applied to the face, neck, décolletage, and hands. By combining it with other procedures, the results can
             be more fast and sa sfied.

             The results of a complete course of treatment (from four to six sessions) will complete the sa sfac on of
             every client. It can be combine with microdermabrasion, peels, RF and dermal fillers to drama cally boost
             collagen forma on and tone and improve skin suppleness.

             The treatment region is numbed with a cooling gel, and a erward, the light is so ly administered. In terms
             of discomfort, the treatment is rather tolerable and is lovest recovery  me (o en just an hour off redness).
             It is suggested to have 4–6 treatments at 3—4 week intervals.

             IPL is commonly used for hair removal as well. The light energy heats up the hair follicle, damaging it and
             inhibi ng future hair growth. IPL is effec ve on a variety of skin and hair types, although it may not be
             suitable for very dark skin tones or very light hair.

             IPL treatments are generally considered safe and non-invasive, although there is a risk of temporary
             redness, swelling, and discomfort. It is important to have a consulta on with a qualified and experienced
             prac  oner before undergoing any IPL treatment to determine if it is appropriate for you and to discuss
             any poten al risks and benefits.

             It is also important to note that IPL is different from tradi onal laser treatments, which use a single
             wavelength  of  light  energy  to  target  specific  areas  of  the  skin.  While  both  IPL  and  tradi onal  laser
             treatments can be effec ve for various skin concerns, they have different mechanisms of ac on and may
             be be er suited for different skin types and condi ons.
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