Page 15 - Gallery November Newsletter 2021 (1)_Neat
P. 15

C O U R S E   U P D A T E

                                                                 F R O M

                                               N O A H   G E S S L E R

   Summer and early fall are a very busy time for the maintenance department, and this

   summer was even busier than normal with the bunker renovation project on the North
   course. After a long hot summer, and a lot of hours spent on overseeding, the maintenance

   team is ready to settle into the golf season and focus on more routine maintenance

   The bunker renovation on the North is going to greatly change the way the course plays
   and the way the new bunkers will be maintained. This is the time of year when the staff

   can begin to refocus on the details around the courses. We will be experimenting with new
   ways to rake the new bunkers and maintain the turf around them. Raking frequencies of

   the bunker edges will be increased and the amount of raking with mechanical bunker
   rakes will be adjusted. The new sand along with the updated liner and drainage system will

   be much easier to maintain at a consistent level.

   Projects such as vegetation removal and trimming will be prioritized as well this season.

   The areas around the tees will be the first area of focus and will be accomplished in
   phases. Immediate surrounds of the tee boxes will be focused on first followed by larger

   vegetation in the sight lines and at the beginning of the turf.

   This season there will be a lot of new faces on the maintenance team as we have recently

   been working on increasing our staffing levels. As we move into season our team will be
   able to refocus on the daily upkeep of the courses as well as increasing the amount of

   detail work around the property. During the first few weeks after overseeding a priority is
   the frequency of mowing the new ryegrass in the short mowed areas to help with

   establishing its density.As the cooler weather starts mowing frequencies can be reduced
   slightly, increasing the amount of time available for other projects.
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