Page 3 - Gallery August Newsletter 2021
P. 3

C L U B   U P D A T E

                                                                   F R O M

                                                    J E R E M Y   D U D A

                                           G E N E R A L   M A N A G E R

       Two of the most important components of managing a private club are communication and
       member feedback. In an effort to improve both I will be reinstituting an advisory board,

       beginning in September. My goal is to have a nine-person board with a third of the board
       rotating each year. The makeup of the board will aim to represent the demographic of the

       membership. The board will meet monthly. With the ability to conference or video call into
       meetings, members who do not live in the area year round may participate as well. If you are

       interested in being on the advisory board, please email me. I will begin the selection process in
       the next few weeks.

       I would like to take this opportunity to thank Noah Gessler and the maintenance staff for their

       hard work and dedication this summer. In addition to their normal duties, Noah and the
       assistant superintendents are assisting with the north course bunker renovation to ensure there

       is proper drainage and good irrigation coverage around reshaped bunkers. I would also like to

       acknowledge the rest of the crew for their hard work on the south course. Many members have
       told me it is in the best summer condition in recent years.

       It has been great seeing more members dining in the club over the last several weeks. I am happy

       to report many positive comments regarding the new menus and improved quality of food. In
       our last weekly email we highlighted some new events on our calendar. We will continue to add

       to the events calendar, so keep an eye out for the Monday email highlighting upcoming events.

       Please feel free to reach out to me with any comments or concerns.

       Jeremy Duda
       General Manager
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