Page 3 - Royton Connected - June 2018
P. 3

Local News 4
Quiz Corner 7
Cooking Corner 10
What’s On 14
Garden View 18
It’s Never Too Late 22 Index 26
Attention Photographers!
We’re looking for captivating images of Oldham for our future magazine covers, if you think you have an image that cuts it, send it to us and it could be featured in our next magazine.
Summer days, summer nights and summer sun
Welcome to the June edition of Royton Connected. As I write this the sun is shining and it looks like summer is actually here so lets hope it’s stayed and we’ve all managed to spend some time in the sun.
Is it just me or as soon the sunshine and the longer days arrive we quickly forget winter even existed and all we did was finish work, put the heating on and spend our evenings on the sofa? Lets make the most of the sunshine and the longer days.
When you buy from a small business you are not helping a CEO buy a third home. You are helping a little girl get dance lessons, a little boy get his team jersey, a mum or dad put food on the table, a family pay a mortgage, or a student pay for college.
Thank you for supporting small businesses and keep an eye out for the discounts they offer.
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