Page 107 - KSQ Design Book Student Life
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The group of students now entering up locations on campuses which caters Students are mindful of the environmental
college consider themselves foodies. directly to that quick grab-and-go lifestyle. impact of the food they eat and desire to
They are looking for more choices, The environment should be relaxed with eat food that is good for them and the
customization, and availability. They are areas to eat alone—bar style seating—or planet. Providing food from local vendors
a diverse group, looking for ethnic tastes with a small study group. And Wi-Fi needs and cooking with in-season produce will
and authentic food. The dining experience to be everywhere with numerous screens help bring the variety your students are
needs to be flexible, accessible, and fun. and outlets. looking for on campus. An even better
It needs to change and reinvent itself to enhancement to the dining experience,
keep students engaged. It must consider Convenience is most important when it would be to grow some of the food you
the various dietary restrictions that need comes to food choices and many of your serve on campus within view of the facility.
to be accommodated from gluten-free to students do not limit themselves to three
vegan, halal to paleo. meals a day and often snack more and sit
down less. They are looking for coffee
Many of the newest dining halls take shops throughout campus, a C-store or
on a marketplace appearance where a grab-and-go kiosk for fruits, nuts, and
students can select from different “micro- organic, ethically produced snacks and
restaurants” depending on what they chips. These outlets should be scattered
may be craving at that time—many fast- throughout campus but primarily should
food restaurant franchises are opening be placed within their residence halls.
ksqdesign design for student life