Page 178 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 178


                       facilitate access to the Quizizz application. The procedure is by clicking the
                       Sign  up  writing  listed,  then  briefly  completing  the  biodata  needs  in  the

                       registration  to  indicate  that  it  is  you.  Suppose  it  has  registered  as  an
                       account. In that case, the report can be used wisely in accessing the Quizizz
                       application  by  clicking  the  login  writing  in  the  Quizizz  application  and

                       using  the  account  terms.  Namely,  the  email  and  password  used  when
                       registering before. When we enter the web, of course, have been registered

                       as me from the Quizizz application, we will be faced with the scene of the
                       library, where there is a collection of quiz media, which has been presented
                       by the Quiz Maker before. In addition, we can freely choose the quizzes

                       available in  the Quizizz application according to the needs of teachers in
                       operating the Quizizz application. From the name, which begins with kata

                       Quiz, of course, there are various variations of quizzes that are presented.
                       However, to increase the creativity of each account owner, Quizizz makes it
                       easy  to  create  your  quiz,  which  is  illustrated  through  your  creation  by

                       clicking the create my quiz writing. Here are the procedures and operations
                       of the Quizizz application  in a nutshell:
                       a)  Go web, type Quizizz.

                       b)  If you don't have an account yet, click Sign up.
                       c)  Fill in all the conditions of account registration
                       d)  Log in to the Quizizz app, click login

                       e)  Fill in the email and password used when registering an account
                       f)  Determine the quiz model; you can create your own by clicking create

                           my quiz
                           Thus the variety of learning media through the Quizizz application can
                       be  utilized  and  operated  as  appropriate  by  using  the  ease  of  educational

                       technology amid a pandemic. The operation of the Quizizz application is as
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