Page 12 - Hampton-Newport News (VA) Alumni Chapter 75th Charter Day Celebration
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Hampton-Newport News (VA) Alumni Chapter
                           Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated
                                       P.O. Box 8135 , Hampton, VA 23666

         Dear Brothers,

         75 illustrious years of excellence and achievement within the fraternity is
         unmistakably paramount! From a Kappa Lore perspective, August 4, 1945, is a
         day that will long live in the registry of our profound past. 17 Peninsula Kappa
         Men (Brothers Hiram Akers, Sr., Dr. Robert Boyd, Earl Foster, Stanley Land,
         Wendell Robins, Sr., Churchill Robinson, William D. Scales, Jr., Dr. A.T. Scott,
         Sr., Frederick C. Scott, Paul L. D. Smith, William R. Walker, Jr., Stuart L.
         Whiting, Charles C. Wilson, Quentin J. Adderly, Arthur Hamlet, and Edward D.
         Thomas to whom we owe the utmost of due deference) led by our own Honorable
         Brother Herodotus D. Alston proudly accepted their charter from Province
         Polemarch W. Henry Green, and Laurel Wreath holder Judge Armond W. Scott.

         ALL of you now are entrenched in the lineage of this deep and tenured history.
         The chapter's membership has consistently been comprised of Kappa Men from
         both Hampton and Newport News and because of so (in the lat e 1970s), the
         chapter petitioned the Grand Board to alter its designation to "Hampton-
         Newport News." The petition was approved in September 1979. Presentl y, the
         chapter bolsters a membership of over 120+ men living throughout the entire
         Hampton Roads locale.  From what aspired from a mere idea of thought, has now
         flourished into one of best success stories in Kappa history!

         Let us grasp onto the excitement and joy that shines its everlasting light on
         Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated and navigate our esteemed chapter
         towards the continuance of the single-most contr ibuting platform that has
         brought us all this far - ACHIEVEMENT - injecting the kinship of brotherly
         love that has brought us into an astounding 75 years of fraternal existence.
         Happy Charter Day to all my Great Nupes!! YO YO!! As always, I  remain...

                                                    Yours In the Bond,


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