Page 25 - Hampton-Newport News (VA) Alumni Chapter 75th Charter Day Celebration
P. 25

Lest We Forget

                                    A SPECIAL TRIBUTE TO

                         DR. JAMES BAKER ABRAM, JR.


                                        21  Chapter Polemarch
                                                Alpha Pi ‘56

      Brother Abram was a member of the Eastern Province Board of Directors when he arrived in
      Hampton in 1970. His extraordinary intellect and fraternal vision led to him being elected Chapter
      Polemarch on June 3, 1972. His election germinated a Kappa Renaissance on the Virginia Peninsula.
      His vision led to the beginning of joint founders’ day celebrations, the establishment of the Hampton
      Alumni Chorale and the chartering of one of the first Kappa League chapters in the country. He
      presented the charter to the Hampton Alumni Kappa League on May 15, 1974 while serving as
      chairman of the National Guide Right Committee.

      Abe’s tenure as Chapter Polemarch ended on June 7, 1975. He was appointed to serve as Eastern
      Province Polemarch on July 1, 1975. As Eastern Province Polemarch he established the William Henry
      Greene Award, the William Thomas Carter Award, the I. W. E. Taylor Award and the coveted Pillar of
      the Province Award; the highest individual award presented by the Eastern Province. He later served
      on the Grand Board of Directors, and as Sr. Grand Vice Polemarch. At the 73  Grand Chapter
      Meeting, Grand Polemarch Ronald Young presented Abe with the 55  Elder W. Diggs Award. Grand
      Polemarch Young was Polemarch of the Beta Chi Chapter at Hampton University when Brother Abram
      took over as their advisor in the Fall of 1970. Abe entered Chapter Invisible on September 26, 2000.
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