Page 3 - Hampton-Newport News (VA) Alumni Chapter 75th Charter Day Celebration
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       B OBBY S con
                                                    July 24, 2020

              Mr. Reginald L. Bowens
              Chapter Polemarch
              Hampton -Newport News (VA) Alumni Chapter
              Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
             P.O. Box 8135
              Hampton, VA 23666

             Dear Mr. Bowens:

             It is a pleasure to offer greetings as you gather for the 75th Anniversary Celebration for the
             Hampton-Newpo1iNews Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi, on August 4, 2020.

             For nearly eight decades,  this chapter has worked  to improve the quality of life for the residents
             of Virginia Peninsula. Your strategic partnerships with loca l school divisions and homeless
             shelters have enriched the lives of students and the less fo1iunate in this region. As evidenced by
             this year' s anniversary  theme,  "Excellence  Defined...A Legacy of Achievement" , your chapter
             has built a rich legacy of  community  service.  Your past and  current  members'  contiibutions
             have helped to make the cities of Hampton and Newport  News better places to work, raise a
             family and educate our children.

             Best wishes for a successful 75th Anniversary Cele bration and many more years of service to our

             Very Truly Yours,


             ROBERT C. "BOBBY" SCOTT
             Member of Congress

                                             Not printed at government expense.
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