Page 33 - Hampton-Newport News (VA) Alumni Chapter 75th Charter Day Celebration
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Greetings Brothers !
2020 has being filled with many trials
and tribulations, from civil unrest,
police brutality, and a global
pandemic. It is apropos that the US
was in the height of World War II in
Aug of 1945 when 17 good Kappa
men came together on the Hampton
Roads Peninsula to form the
Hampton-Newport News (VA) Alumni
Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi
Fraternity Incorporated. Despite the
fact it was turbulent times, they
were able to stand tall, just as the
Chapter is doing today celebrating 75
Years of Achievement. I owe much
gratitude to those 17 astute men who
paved the way for so many others to
follow. In the words of our revered
Founder Elder Watson Diggs,
"A Kappa man must be good; upright, moral and manly." The Hampton-
Newport News (VA) Alumni Chapter has epitomized these qualities for 75 years. Not
only have we been good men in the community, we have spread these Kappa
attributes through the Eastern Province! Although we are not able to physically
celebrate the Chapter’s 75 years of Achievement, we individually and collectively
embody the mantra of “Excellence Defined Since 1945, A Legacy Of Achievement.”
Yours in the Bond,
Khalid M. Ali
Vice Polemarch Hampton-Newport News (VA) Alumni Chapter
Excellence Defined Since 1945