Page 12 - Transfigurations - Under Glass_Neat
P. 12

OranFin  unitirau

                           A Collection of Fine Art Prints, Custom Framed, Under Non-glare Glass
                                     14" x 21" Image Size - 18" x 25" Framed Size - $150

               UM-0615                      UM-0616                     UM-0617                      UM-0618
          The Resurrection            Raising of the Cross            Saint Cecilia                 Saint Lucy
    Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio   Rembrandt van Rijn            Simon Vouet           Benvenuto Tisi da Garofalo

               UM-0622                      UM-0625                     UM-0626                      UM-0629
          Madonna and Child                Penduant               Madonna of the Roses           The Resurrection
           William-Adolphe              William-Adolphe              William-Adolphe          Pieter Lastman Peters
             Bouguereau                  Bouguereauu                   Bouguereau

               UM-0630                     UM-0632                      UM-0633                      UM-0637
            Descent of the       The Return of the Prodigal Son      Saint Margaret                 Holy Night
        Holy Spirit (Pentecost)         Pompeo Batoni                Raphael School                Gerard David
        Girolamo da Cremona                                          (Giulio Romano)
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