Page 1 - Art Database-2024
P. 1

The Good                    Philippe de
                                        TR-0001   Shepherd                    Champaigne Musée des Beaux-Arts

                                                  The Immaculate              Esteban
                                        TR-0002   Conception                  Murillo       Museo del Prado

                                                                              Jean Restout
                                        TR-0003   Pentecost                   II            Louvre

                                        TR-0004   The Last Supper             West          Detroit Institute of Arts

                                                  The Wedding
                                        TR-0005   Feast at Cana               Gerard David Louvre

                                                  The Baptism of
                                        TR-0006   Christ                      Guido Reni    Kunsthistorisches Museum
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