Page 121 - Art Database-2024
P. 121

Christ at                   Rembrandt
                                        TR-0721   Emmaus                      van Rijn      Musée Jacquemart-André

                                                  Christ Among                Heinrich
                                        TR-0722   the Doctors                 Hofmann       Riverside Church

                                                  Christ and the
                                                  Rich Young                  Heinrich
                                        TR-0723   Ruler                       Hofmann       Riverside Church

                                                                              Fra Angelico
                                        TR-0724   The Virgin Mary with the Apostles & Other SaintsNational Gallery - London

                                        TR-0725   Christ Glorified  in the Court of Heaven  National Gallery - London
                                                                              Fra Angelico

                                                  The Forerunners
                                                                              Fra Angelico
                                        TR-0726   of Christ       with Saints and Martyrs   National Gallery - London
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