Page 135 - Art Database-2024
P. 135

The Rest on the             Pieter
                                        TR-0805   Flight into Egypt           Lastman       National Gallery - London

                                                  Resurrection of             After Andrea
                                        TR-0806   Christ                      Mantegna      National Gallery - London

                                                  The Return of               Sebastien
                                        TR-0807   the Ark                     Bourdon       National Gallery - London

                                                                              Pesellino and
                                                                              completed by
                                                                              Fra Filippo
                                                                              Lippi and
                                        TR-0808   The Trinity                 workshop      National Gallery - London

                                                                              Workshop of
                                                  The Virgin and              Pieter Coecke
                                        TR-0809   Child Enthroned             van Aalst     National Gallery - London

                                                  The Virgin and              Style of
                                                  Child in a                  Martin
                                        TR-0810   Garden                      Schongauer    National Gallery - London
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