Page 282 - Art Database-2024
P. 282

                                                                              School of
                                                                              18th C
                                        TR-1681   Saint Joseph    with the Child Jesus      Private Collection

                                                  Immaculate                  School of
                                        TR-1682   Virgin in Glory             Cuzco 17th C Private Collection

                                                  The Wedding                 Hieronymus
                                        TR-1683   Feast at Cana               Bosch         Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen

                                                  God the Father              Domenico
                                                  and the Holy                Antonio
                                        TR-1684   Spirit                      Vaccaro       Mauritshuis

                                        TR-1685   Christ the King

                                                  The Wedding
                                        TR-1686   Feast at Cana               Tintoretto    Basilique Santa Maria della Sallute
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