Page 56 - Art Database-2024
P. 56

                                                  Saint George                Zampieri
                                                  Killing the                 (called
                                        TR-0331   Dragon                      Domenichino) National Gallery - London

                                        TR-0332   Ecce Homo                   Guido Reni    National Gallery - London

                                                  Institution of the          Ercole
                                        TR-0333   Eucharist                   de'Roberti    National Gallery - London

                                                  Saint Vincent               Francesco del
                                        TR-0334   Ferrer                      Cossa         National Gallery - London

                                                  Saint Dorothy
                                                  and the Infant              Francesco di
                                        TR-0335   Christ                      Giorgio       National Gallery - London

                                                  Mourning Over               Francesco
                                        TR-0336   the Dead Christ             Francia       National Gallery - London
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