Page 95 - Art Database-2024
P. 95

Moses with the
                                                  Ten                         Rembrandt
                                        TR-0565   Commandments                van Rijn      Gemäldegalerie

                                        TR-0566   The Holy Family             van Rijn      The Hermitage

                                                  Saint Joseph
                                                  and the Christ
                                        TR-0567   Child                       Guido Reni    The Museum of Fine Arts - Houston

                                                  The Denial of               Gerard van
                                        TR-0568   Saint Peter                 Honthorst     Musée des Beaux Arts de Rennes

                                        TR-0569   Ordination                  Poussin       Kimbell Art Museum

                                                  Adoration of the            Jacopo
                                        TR-0570   Kings                       Bassano       Kunsthistorisches Museum
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