Page 11 - Prairie Land 2024-2027: Education Plan
P. 11

Long-Term Goals
(1-3 years):
Short-Term Goals
(4-12 months):
  Professional Development Professional Development
Strategy: Strategy:
Craft and execute a Craft and execute a
professional development plan professional development plan
that emphasizes innovative that emphasizes innovative
teaching methodologies, teaching methodologies,
technology integration, and technology integration, and
strategies for supporting strategies for supporting
diverse learning needs. diverse learning needs.
  Technology Innovations: Technology Innovations:
Seek partnerships to secure Seek partnerships to secure
technology that enhance technology that enhance
online learning capabilities online learning capabilities
and interactive classroom and interactive classroom
environments. environments.
  Teacher Collaboration
Establish regular forums for
educators to exchange best
practices and resources,
fostering a collaborative
teaching community.
  Standardized Early
Intervention Systems:
Develop and integrate a
uniform approach to early
intervention, with a focus
on literacy, numeracy, and
preparing students for school

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