Page 11 - RCBCC Annual Report 2018
P. 11
California Tobacco Control Program OVERVIEW
In November 2016, Californians overwhelmingly voted
Who is CTCP?
for Proposi�on 56, a ballot ini�a�ve to raise the tax on
The California Tobacco Control Program (CTCP) is a tobacco products as a way to prevent youth from
program of the California Department of Public Health. smoking and fight the impact of tobacco on our state’s
For nearly 30 years, CTCP has led the fight to keep residents. The California Healthcare, Research and
tobacco out of the hands of youth, help tobacco users Preven�on Tobacco Tax Act (Proposi�on 56) increased
quit, and ensure that all Californians can live, work, the state’s tobacco tax by $2 per pack and an equivalent
play, and learn in tobacco-free environments. It is the amount on e-cigare�es and other tobacco products.
longest running, most comprehensive tobacco control
program in the na�on. Both ini�a�ves provide funding for local health
departments and community organiza�ons, a cu�ng-
edge media campaign, tobacco-related evalua�on and
“The success of the California surveillance, and school-based preven�on programs.
comprehensive statewide
tobacco control program From the beginning CTCP adopted a novel
demonstrates that existing ‘denormaliza�on’ strategy aimed at reducing the social
acceptability of tobacco use and exposure to
tobacco control strategies
are effective when secondhand smoke in California communi�es. This
implemented on a sustained basis…” unique approach shi�ed public a�tudes, changed
social norms and is saving lives.
US Surgeon General’s Report,
50 Years of Progress, 2014 ACCOMPLISHMENTS
Today, fewer than 1 in 8 adults in California
smoke cigare�es, down from 1 in 5 in 1989
“All eyes are on California. California is once The number of cigare�es smoked has fallen
by more than 70%
again leading the nation and
the world in the fight against More than 1,000,000 California lives have
tobacco. As the result of been saved - as people quit and fewer
decades of innovation and its started
bold new plans, California is $134 billion saved in healthcare costs
uniquely positioned to be the
first in the world to end the
tobacco epidemic.” What Does CTCP Do?
Ma�hew L. Myers, President
Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, 2017 CTCP runs hard-hi�ng media campaigns and works with
local partners throughout California to create smoke
free environments, counter the aggressive marke�ng
A History of Progress prac�ces of the tobacco industry, prevent the illegal
In November 1988, Californians approved a 25-cent tax sale of tobacco products to underage young people, and
help people quit using tobacco.
on cigare�es, the catalyst for one of the world’s most
successful public health efforts. The Tobacco Tax and
Health Protec�on Act (Proposi�on 99) dedicated 5 cents
of the 25-cent tax to fund California’s tobacco control