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      At No Hustle No Muscle, my brand story is deeply personal and driven by my experiences and resilience.
      Having witnessed the impact of Alzheimer's and Demen�a on three genera�ons, including the recent loss of
      my Beloved Mother, I've been faced with a choice: to be overwhelmed or to rise above and become the best
      version of myself—spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially.

      As I am in the 3  Quarter of my life, on my daily journey, I find solace and strength in my unwavering faith in
      God. It is the anchor that keeps me balanced and guides me through life's challenges. By placing God at the
      center of everything, I draw inspira�on and remain grounded, naviga�ng the complexi�es with renewed
      hope and determina�on.

      Physical fitness is an integral part of my brand philosophy. I embrace daily exercise to maintain not only my
      physical well-being but also my mental alertness and clarity. The basketball court is my sanctuary, where I
      pour my heart into prac�cing my shots at least four �mes a week. It was during one of these sessions that a
      moment of frustra�on turned into a powerful realiza�on. As the ball consistently hit the rim, discouragement
      set in, temp�ng me to abandon the drill. But in that moment, an inner voice whispered, "No Hustle No
      Muscle." It was a gentle reminder to persevere and push through the challenges. From that point on, the

      phrase became ingrained in my spirit, symbolizing the significance of dedica�on and unwavering

      Inspired by this transforma�ve experience, I embarked on a crea�ve journey. Researching, sketching, and
      trademarking designs, I captured the essence of "No Hustle No Muscle." The logo encapsulates unity and
      empowerment, featuring symbols that form a large M with a slanted H in the center. The words "No Hustle"
      and "No Muscle" arch above and below the M, encircling it within a broken circle. This visual representa�on
      embodies the ethos of our brand, invi�ng individuals worldwide to embrace the concept of holis�c fitness.

      As I con�nue on my personal path to well-being, my mission is to inspire others to do the same. Through the
      No Hustle No Muscle brand, I aim to encourage individuals to embrace physical, mental, and spiritual
      wellness. By wearing and sharing our designs, our customers become ambassadors of this empowering
      philosophy, spreading the message far and wide.

      Moreover, I am commi�ed to making a meaningful impact in the fight against Alzheimer's and Demen�a.
      Por�ons of our sales revenue will be donated to organiza�ons dedicated to these causes on a global scale.
      This commitment is my way of honoring those affected by these condi�ons, raising awareness, suppor�ng
      vital research, and extending a helping hand to individuals and families naviga�ng through the challenges
      they present.

      Join me on this transforma�ve journey. Let's embrace a life of balance, resilience, and empowerment.
      Together, we can overcome any obstacle and become the best versions of ourselves. No Hustle No Muscle—
      because through dedica�on, perseverance, and a holis�c approach to well-being, we will rise above and
      inspire others to do the same.

      No Hustle No Muscle – Design ™                    Brand Story                     Morton B. Edmonds – BerniE.
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