Page 9 - The Arlington Times - January 2019
P. 9

ARLINGTON BUSINESS DISTRICT - Shop Riverside. Buy Arlington!

                             FURNITURE THAT’S MADE WEL L 499                                          95

                            That’s builttolast. That’s nice tolookat. Andmostimportantly, keepsyoucomfortable.
                               18        CU   No Frost           6 Months

                                              Glass Shelves
                                           $ 529        95          SAME

                                           - 100       *Rebate         AS            • Reversible
                                                                                     • QuiltedBothSides
                                   *Riverside City
                                Electric Utility User               CASH
                                   *Riverside City                                    MATTRESSES
                                Electric Utility User - 100  *Rebate    on
                                for Old Refrigerators                                TWIN SETS.......... 169   95
                                                                                     FULL SETS.......... 219
                                  After   $              95       APPROVED           QUEEN SETS..... 279       95
                                  Qualified  329                    CREDIT
                                  Rebates                                            KING SETS........ 329     95
                                 10015 Magnolia Ave. Riverside              Tuesday-Friday 9-6 | Saturday 9-5  HARRISON  MAGNOLIA AVE.  GALLERIA
                                                                                 Monday-Friday 9-6
                      951-354-7770 •             Saturday 9-5 | Closed Sundays  DAWES   TYLER
                                                                              Closed Sundays & Mondays
            SINCE 1951                                                                                         HOLE
                                   Ways to Help You Save!

                                      Riverside Public Utilities’ rebate programs help you
                                save money by conserving water and energy. Rebates include:
                              Energy Star                 Energy Star           A/C WiFi-Enabled
                              Refrigerator                Ceiling Fan           Thermostat

                               Energy Star                Waterwise
                               Washer                     Landscape              Toilet

                NEED HELP PAYING                        SH A R E                  Sharing Households
                YOUR UTILITY BILL?                                             Assist Riverside’s Energy

                             SHARE is a Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) program that assists eligible,
                          low-income residential electric customers with their utility bills and deposits.

                        For more information on RPU rebates and the SHARE program, visit
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