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ARLINGTON BUSINESS DISTRICT - Shop Riverside. Buy Arlington! ARLINGTON BUSINESS DISTRICT - Shop Riverside. Buy Arlington!
John Claude’s Custom Jewelry Arlington Business Partnership welcomes new Upcoming
members to 2018/19 Board of Directors MEETINGS
CA$H for gold & silver
• custom designing & Arlington Business Partnership (ABP) announces the appointment of several new Executive Committee
recasting Tue., November 06, 2018, 9:00
• 1000’s of ring members to its Board of Directors, bringing its total to 17. a.m.
remounts Veterans Day, Office Closed
• loose diamonds & “The ABP Board is delighted to be welcoming these new members who represent the Mon., November 12, 2018
colored stones vitality and success of Arlington’s business community, says Executive Director An-
• quality platinum, drew Guerra Jr. “The Board and staff are excited about our plans to move ahead with Physical Improvements Com-
gold & silver repairs new development, community engagement, and coordination of several community mittee
“Old Fashioned Full Service Jewelers Since 1975” events and activities. The experience and skills of our new members complement the Thur., November 15, 2018,
9:00 a.m.
strengths of our current Board and will assist us as we look to ABP’s and the Arling-
951-785-4112 ton Business Districts future.” Board of Directors
open mon-fri 10-5:30 • sat 10-2 Joining the ABP Board are: Paul Akes, Nicole Quintana, Silvester Gallegos, and Nick Avila. Mon., November 19, 2018,
5:30 p.m.
9480 magnolia ave.
(near Corner of Van Buren & magnolia ave. riverside) Thanksgiving Day, Office
Continued from Cover, HABITAT
Thu., November 22, 2018
After the publication of the Planning Commission report, City staff received one letter in op- Fri., November 23, 2018
position to the project expressing concerns of increased crime and decreased property values
“Serving The Community resulting from the proposed development. Marketing Committee
For Over 50 Years” Thur., November 29, 2018,
Habitat for Humanity will be responsible for the on-going maintenance of the common us- 9:00 a.m.
We Provide Quality, Affordable Care with A Commitment to Service able open space within the development. The proposed condominium units will be for sale
DO NOT PURCHASE HEARING AIDS without checking with us first and owner-occupied by military veterans that are currently renting. The project provides Winter Wonderland/Teen
them with the opportunity for home ownership with vested interest in the property and its Night
• FREE EVALUATION* • HMO MEMBER DISCOUNTS maintenance. Sat., December 01, 2018, 9:00
• MEDI-CAL ACCEPTED 9401 Cleveland Ave., 92503
Executive Committee
Are prices still too high even AFTER “Discounts” and “Allowances?” Mon., December 03, 2018, 9:00
for the purposes of information hotline
fitting amplification* 951-688-7700 Board of Directors
John A. Fusco member: hearing healthcare providers Mon., December 10, 5:30 p.m.
3700 Van Buren Blvd., Suite 102, Riverside - Big Ben Square Physical Improvements Com-
Thur., December 20, 2018, 9:00
Christmas Day, Office Closed
Tue., December 25, 2018
Marketing Committee
Thur., December 27, 2018, 9:00
Trinidad Verduzco | The Press Enterprise
(714) 932-1961 a.m.