Page 18 - Hot Press Issue 16 January 2020
P. 18
Springboard Update 2019
Springboard Charity Update
At Delaware North, service is our business – we are New Ambassador Cohort
associates serving guests, we are volunteers serving
communities, we are people serving people. In In September 2019, an Ambassador Training session
2019, we demonstrated our commitment to service took place at Wembley Stadium and we proudly saw
by partnering with The Springboard Charity and three of our team members embracing the training
Springboard UK to give people an in-depth look at and learning how to present hospitality as a great
an industry that can change their lives for the better. place to work.
Since beginning our partnership in 2014, Delaware Mandy Byrne at Ricoh Arena, Caroline Neeb and
North and Springboard have shared common goals Sidela Ungureanu at Emirate Stadium are joining 30
– to equip people with the knowledge, skills and Ambassadors across the business.
confidence they need to achieve their potential. Your
efforts in 2019, our 6th year of partnership, had We will be looking to do another training session in
tremendous impact on the programme participants, mid-2020, so if you are interested in getting involved
our organisation, and our industry and we thank you please speak to Sarah Thomas at SThomas2@
for your inspiring efforts.
Ambassador Activities: Tim Jopling, London
Tim’s 2019 top events this year are:
Diageo Bartending & Hospitality Interview Day:
This was a wonderful opportunity to meet some
really fantastic trainees and help them on their path
to a career in hospitality. The venue was amazing
and set the tone for the day, adequately mimicking
what the staff can expect in the working world. It was
great to build rapport with the trainees and put them
through their paces, each individual had their own
character and personality that really shone through...
Read more here
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