Page 19 - The ART of Facilitation
P. 19
For the Greatest Success:
Be curious, open and self aware.
Research, Discovery and Prep
Let’s do this. Don’t skip this important work. It may take simply two minutes of prep for a regular meeting or two days for a bigger project. Yes, you do have time. Preparation seems obvious enough and yet, is very often skipped with a variety of excuses. Do all in your power to be prepared in order to support the group’s success.
These three steps save time, resources, and heartache/headache of having missed an opportunity or missed the mark of expectations; They afford the opportunity to move a group to a new productive place toward better ideas, increased productivity, engagement and actualizing potential.
THEM: DISCOVERY - Researching and doing due diligence of the goals, group history, and participants on the team and in the meeting.
YOU: REFLECT- Being aware of your own strengths, comfort zones, tendencies, and experience.
BOTH: PREP- Preparing the physical space and props that will support the session. Distributing information to participants ahead of time to set the frame and expectations. Phone calls, emails, in-person meetings beforehand will be of great use.
* See the Facilitation Prep Check List in Appendix B
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