Page 20 - The ART of Facilitation
P. 20
Set the Session Roadmap
Dive In -Don’t waste time
Don’t walk through the agenda point by point. If they all have it, they know.
Do reiterate or clarify the goal/the purpose of the meeting.
Make sure everyone understands the purpose of the meeting.
Time frame established and stated clearly.
Explore the outcome that is expected (e.g. key areas of focus; group decisions, actions and timelines etc.)
Why does the group care about this goal? Use language that describes
the benefit to them. Inspire!
Develop group culture, ground rules, or norms for meetings, and use them.
Ask for what works and get the group to contribute.
There is usually increased buy in if participants contribute versus being told.
Create a culture of respect. It must be stated that it’s OK to disagree; Everyone participates, no one dominates; Disregard rank/status, etc. Select someone to be the group’s scribe to write key points on the flipchart.
Scribes should precisely notate the comments from the group,
and not editorialize the input into their own words.
Creating it together and stating sometimes obvious “rules” makes sure nothing is assumed and removes the need for permission to call out something. Ex: If you don’t mention that everyone is putting cell phones away, then you can’t have a problem with it.
Physically Shift
During a long meeting it's often very helpful to simply get folks up and moving.
Stand and Stretch Stand and Contribute Move to a new seat
Have healthy snacks
Provide tactile/fidget items: Play-dough, pipe cleaners, various small toys
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