Page 25 - The ART of Facilitation
P. 25
Summarize: Careful of convincing yourself this isn’t necessary because it may seem daunting or feel intimidating.
Use paraphrasing as a method for clarifying. Check your perceptions with the group.
For example: "Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Bob and Carmen's
comments summarized our last 10 minutes quite well by stating...".
It’s very important to summarize at the end of key parts of the agenda and at the end of meetings to check for understanding and agreement. Ask for guidance, and use the group if necessary.
Flexibility & Finesse: Being able to move where and you need to with ease.
Be ready to move to a new point of view, new perspective, new next move, new next suggestion, new everything. The finesse comes from doing it with comfort and ease- and if not comfortable nor easy, then being transparent about that will allow for its own finesse.
Movement & Voice: Let your whole body be involved.
Remember you are not a talking head – even if facilitating in the virtual world. Communication involves the whole body and when you allow for that, it empowers the whole message.
Your voice is a key component that we often overlook. Your intention rings loud and clear so be sure you are fully saying what you think you are with inflection, intonation, and rhythm.
Space for Disagreement: This may be the most important reason you are there. Hold the space for it to be ok.
Remember that people will disagree. There will be moments of conflict in your group - whether voiced or unvoiced.
You must be comfortable with the friction of disagreement.
Know the difference between friction and arguing.
Careful not to try to fix, pass-over, or quickly dismiss disagreement.
Some of the best work can come out of well-facilitated moments of disagreement. That’s often when truth is flowing.
Call a "pulse check" and check in with the group as to how people are feeling or what they are thinking about at that time. This is good to do when the group seems generally blocked or confused.
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